Bu bölümde Andor ve Rings of Power dizileri üzerine konuşup, büyük teknoloji firmalarının gidişatı üzerine uzun uzun sohbet ettik.
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Bölüm linkleri:
- The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
- Andor
- Foundation
- The Compassionate Narcissist
- The Peripheral
- Behind the Mac: Skywalker Sound | Apple
- Blade Runner
- From Twitter to Meta: Tech Layoffs by the Numbers
- One day in the life of twitter employee
- Steve Jobs on the topic of layoffs
- YouTube SHOULD charge for 4K. Hear me out.
- The bubble has popped for unprofitable software companies
- Apple on iPhones, Chips, Privacy, Working From Home and More | WSJ Tech Live 2022
- Appcircle