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Zaman damgaları:
00:00 - Haftamız nasıl geçti
14:18 - iOS 16 Beta
31:50 - Eşantiyon ürünler
55:44 - Enerji tasarrufu
Bölüm linkleri:
- Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
- Loot
- Severance
- The Boys
- Jobs to be Done: Theory to Practice
- Mert’in bahsettiği Jobs to be Done konusunun geçtiği kitap: Competing Against Luck
- Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making
- Where Is My Flying Car?: A Memoir of Future Past
- Apple Beta Software Program
- Nest
- Cotton Bureau
- Yakup Bayrak
- Supreme
- The Power of Swag in the Tech Industry
- Andrew Bird
- Everlane
- Les Benjamins
- Why are you Gay - Funniest African interview ever!
- Looming Natural Gas Shortages Has the EU Scrambling for Solutions
- Daha kısa duşları unutun gitsin
- The carbon footprint sham
- Utopia