Bu bölümde Tehran dizisi, iPhone'un 15. yaş günü, Şehir Devletler ve Vegan Burger üzerine sohbet ettik.
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Zaman damgaları:
00:00 - Neler okuyoruz ve izliyoruz
18:14 - Şehir devletler
30:44 - iPhone 15 yaşında
51:20 - Vegan burger
Bölüm linkleri:
- Tehran
- Breaking Bad
- Rotten Tomatoes
- The Mandalorian
- The Book of Boba Fett
- Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making
- Where Is My Flying Car?: A Memoir of Future Past
- Patrick Collison - Fast
- The Disappearance of Childhood
- Beneath the Surface
- Foundation
- U.S.A. to disappear in 50 years, Saffo predicts
- Independence in the modern world. Wealthier, happier, fairer: why not Scotland?
- Protel
- Ballmer Laughs at iPhone
- Ken Kocienda
- Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs
- Life in Code: A Personal History of Technology
- Samsung to pay Apple $539 million in iPhone patent case
- The Founder
- McDonald’s Vegan Burger
- Vegan Kuzu Şiş Kebap
- Fersan Turşu